Angel Castellanos on BBC News discussing travel restrictions during COVID-19
Press & Appearances Travel Tips

Travel News & Updates During Coronavirus

July 27, 2020

The new era of travel is here. It is unstable and unpredictable due to COVID-19. One of the biggest industries in the world is being devastated and hundreds of thousands of jobs are being affected. I’ve been making the news rounds on BBC World News, CBS and FOX discussing various issues related to travel. Until the Coronavirus is under control, the tourism industry will continue to be unstable. Here is the latest travel news and updates for travel during Coronavirus.

Angel Castellanos shares travel news and updates during Coronavirus on BBC World News

Angel Castellanos on CBS 8

Angel Castellanos on KTVU Fox 2


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Angel Castellanos
Pasadena, CA

I'm a US based travel expert and spend my time teaching people how to travel well, smart and often. I'm passionate about travel and helping people save time & money. This blog, or travel lounge, is a collection of my practical travel advice and experiences from traveling 12-14 weeks internationally each year. I believe that travel has never been easier and that everyone can achieve their travel dreams. Happy Travels!

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